Current article

About the Control of Entrophication Pollution to the Three Gorge Reservoir

LUO Gu_yuan,LIU Guo_tao,WANG Wen_biao


Received ,Revised , Accepted , Available online July 01, 2015

Volume ,1999,Pages 1-4

  • Abstract
Three Gorge reservoir will become a lake like water body which will be faced with the menace from entrophication pollution . Entrophication pollution will cause alga propagation in excess, so that fish and water plant will die largely and may cause the enteron cancer for people. The quiddity of entrophication is the pollution from plant nutriment (N and P etc.). The endure capacity of the water environment to plant nutriment and the development of interrelated technology for water pollution control are the key confining factors for the sustainable development of economy in Chongqing Area.