Current article

Analysis on Employee Stock Ownership Stimulation Mechanism in the State-Owned Construction Enterprises

ZHANG Jian-jun,ZENG Hua


Received ,Revised , Accepted , Available online July 01, 2015

Volume ,2005,Pages 92-

  • Abstract
As a long term stimulation mechanism, there is a need for the employee stock ownership in founding modern construction enterprises and the further improvement of stimulating and restricting system of the enterprises as well. Carrying out the employee stock ownership plan in the state-owned construction enterprises can bring together organically the labor connection of laborers and the capital connection of laborers and combine the employees with other owners into an interest community by means of property right. Thus, it will increase the concern of the employees over the long term development of the enterprises as well as their participation in the management. Therefore, it will set up inner power and supervision mechanism for the continuous development of the state-owned construction enterprises.