Current article

Discussion on the Percolating Flow Mechanics Problems in the Field of Environmental Science

Zhu ZiWei;Li WeiMin;Jiao BinQuan


Received March 07, 2005,Revised March 07, 2005, Accepted , Available online July 01, 2015

Volume ,2005,Pages 70-73

  • Abstract
In this paper, in the light of the percolating flow mechanics problems in the field of environmental science research , the transport mechanism and law of the volatile organic pollutants in the soils and the transport model and law of the underground water multi-component reacting solute are discussed, and the gas transport and the second pollution problems in the solid waste landfill are analyzed~ Based on the research given above, the transport process and two aspects of the control mechanisms uncertainty for the volatile organic matter and the necessity to establish the coupling model of multi-component water chemistry model and waterdynamic transport model are pointed out. The result is of great theoretical importance and practical significance to the further understanding of the overlapping research problems in environmental science and percolating flow mechanics.