Current article

Source Water Quality Improvement under Special Riverine Ecosystem with Ecological Embankments

WU Yi feng,LV Xi wu and SHI Jing


Received June 12, 2009,Revised , Accepted , Available online July 01, 2015

Volume ,2009,Pages 107-111

  • Abstract
An experimental model was made on the improvement of sources water quality through the construction of a special riverine ecosystem using ecological embankments, which consisted of porous concrete, microorganism and hydrophytes. It was found that, with six day as retention time (RT), the removal rates were 20.9% for CODMn, 13.4% for UV254, 81.4% for NH+4-N, 96.8% for NO2-N and 67.7% for TN. In contrast, in the control pool with hard embankment, the removal rates only reached 9.6% for CODMn, 5.0% for UV254, 70.8% for NH+4-N, 42.4% for NO2-N and 34.6% for TN. Through coordination of all constituent elements of special aquatic ecosystem such as porous concrete, hydrophytes and substrate micro organisms, organic pollutants and nitrogen can be removed effectively.