Current article

Development and Apllication of an Intergrated Emergency Lightening System for Water Pollutant Accident Management in the Three Gorges Basin

ZHAI Jun,HE Qiang,XIAO Hai wen,WAN Jie,NING Ke ji,RONG Jing and RUAN Yu


Received November 12, 2009,Revised , Accepted , Available online July 01, 2015

Volume ,2010,Pages 128-134

  • Abstract
An integrated water pollution management system for the Three Gorges Reservior Area (TGRA) titled as WPMIS_ER_TGRA was developed as an information based techenical tool for emergency response on water pollutant accident.ArcGIS Engine, a Geographic Information System (GIS) Module Warehouse, was used as programme developing platform, and Visual Basic (VB) as programming language.The mathematical models for hydraulic and water quality simulation were developed and integrated in the system and programmed as a DLL file via VB.WPMIS_ER_TGRA owns a new function of emergency lightening at watershed scale as well as the normal water environmental information management functions.The system was applied for emergency water pollution management by a dummy ship capsizal in Yangtze River.It was found that WPMIS_ER_TGRA could model the transfer and diffusion of the accident pollutants in rivers, quickly forecast the pollution situation and identify the influencing area and their changing with time in a few minutes just after the accident happened.