Current article

Determination of the weighing values of meteorological parameters in TMY of building energy consumption simulation

Li Honglian, Yang Liu, Yu Junqi, Hou Liqiang and Xu Xinyin


Received July 08, 2014,Revised , Accepted , Available online July 01, 2015

Volume ,2015,Pages 23-28

  • Abstract
In the generation of the typical meteorological year(TMY)for building energy consumption simulation, the traditional Finkelstein-Schafer statistical method given fixed weighting factors to the meteorological parameters, but the relevant studies showed that there was debate for the curing of weighting factors of meteorological parameters due to the different regional meteorological resources. Aiming at the weighting factors of metorological parameters unity or not in selection of TMY and the impact of building energy consumption simulation, Beijing and Lhasa on behalf of the cold region in building thermal partitions, based on the methods of FS and principal component analysis(PCA)was analyzed. The results showed that the FS statistical method is suitable for the similarity characterization of meteorological parameters for a long time and suitable for the solar energy rich area, there is too much weight given to solar radiation parameters across the country; and the PCA method is suitable for the essential characteristics of the local meteorological resources, choice of meteorological parameters is particularly important when using this method.