Current article

Experimental analysis of dynamic properties of concrete under cyclic pore water effects

Liu Bowen , Peng Gang , Zou Sanbing , Luo Xi


Received June 12, 2015,Revised , Accepted , Available online January 05, 2016

Volume ,2015,Pages 88-94

  • Abstract
Triaxial compression tests for concrete of size Φ300 mm×600 mm was carried out under different strain rate (10 -5,10 -4,10 -3,10 -2/s) in 0,10,50 cycle of pore water and low strain rate (10 -4/s,10 -3/s) in different cycles pore water pressure(0,10,50,100,200 times). Comparatively analysis the changes law characteristics about of basic physical mechanics parameters, such as peak stress and absorption of concrete under different loading rate are analyzed. The results show that: concrete peak stress increases with strain rate and with the number of pore water pressure cycles,. the concrete peak stress increases at the first and then declines. with the number of pore water pressure cycles, shows the change of stages; Concrete absorption energy capability is loaded with the strain rate, and showed significant increasing trend. Energy absorption capacity of concrete pore water pressure increases with the number of cycles showed shows some discrete, but overall increase first and then decrease;Finally, choose sectional dynamic damage constitutive model of concrete material which is based on statistical theory Weibull is applied to of sectional dynamic damage constitutive model based on Weibull for analyse concrete material fitting oto fit with f experimental data, verified, and the results show that this model has good agreement with the test results.